Beautiful pics of Alina Aguiar and Alisa Tarasenko feet and legs

Alisa Tarasenko has been credited with Strana Sasha (2022), Annushka (2009) and Leyt Nayt Skul (2022). Lina Maria Aguiar is Brazilian businesswoman with an estimated net worth in the region of $1.5 billion. Lina was born on the 28th of March 1938 and then left outside a Bradesco Bank Branch (one the largest Brazil banks) by its founder Amador. He adopted Lina as a baby girl and taught her how to become a daughter. Aguiar was only adopted Emilia Lina's sister two years later. She was renamed Lia Maria Aguiar. Both daughters have become billionaires thanks to the inheritance that they were given by their foster parents. Maria Angela was the only girl Amador was adopted, but she was not a billionaire. Her inheritance was an incredibly small portion of Bradesco Bank. Most of the wealth Amador amassed was actually given to Bradesco Foundation. Amador founded the foundation in 1956 with the intention of helping enhance Brazil's education. The second wife of his and the adopted daughters were at war over the rest of Amador's fortune just prior to his death. Lina and Lia the adopted daughters of Amador were billionaires following a victory at court.

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